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Cardiovascular disease prevention & recovery programme


Cardiac Support provides a multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary recovery programme. This programme is a comprehensive intervention with multiple approaches. It has 2 components, one being health education, the other focused on customised exercise under the supervision of exercise professionals (Physiotherapists, Biokineticists).

What can you expect?

This programme is endorsed by your doctor. It complements medical treatment and has been shown to result in improved outcomes. Guided by medical and health professionals, you will receive personalised guidance and support. 

What is included in the programme? 

  • Referral from medical practitioner

  • A visit while in hospital

  • Inpatient physiotherapy and occupational therapy

  • A telephone call when you are home

  • A direct line to medical practitioners

  • Baseline and follow-up assessments

  • Education/information sessions

  • Exercise/activity/relaxation sessions


Education and exercise sessions are on-line and on-site every Thursday morning. 

For on-line link contact co-ordinator on


Education sessions are from 10h30 to 12h00

Exercise sessions are from 12h00 to 13h00


The 60-minute education sessions cover a variety of topics. The topics repeat every 8 weeks. 

What are the education topics?

  • Understanding your heart

  • Principles of exercise                    

  • Cardiac risk factors

  • Choosing food wisely   

  • Taking medications effectively  

  • Mood swings, stress & emotions

  • Finding support                              

  • Where to go from here


How are the exercise sessions organised?

Begin with on-line sessions. When you have had your baseline assessment and have been cleared to start exercising, you may start with an exercise programme in-person. 


The exercise sessions begin with a warm up. You do resistance and cardiovascular exercises.  There are balance and co-ordination exercises with stretching and a cool down.


Before, during and after guided sessions, your blood pressure and heart rate are monitored and progress supervised. An activity plan for each week will be based on performance results in the previous session and continued at home. Following exercise is a relaxation session.


We offer weekly customised exercise sessions under the supervision of a biokineticist. Most of our local biokinetic practices participate in this programme. Go to supporting services for details. 


All participants are welcome. Sessions are held on a Thursday morning at Helderberg Village, but there is also an option to join online via Zoom.


All on-line sessions are free of charge. A fee may be charged for a baseline assessment and in-person exercise sessions supervised by a biokineticist.

What support is offered?

An important aspect of recovering from any form of cardiac intervention is the support one receives.


Our weekly programme creates a safe space for sharing experiences and learning from each other, thus bolstering morale and promoting a confident approach. We are able to refer patients for psychosocial support when required.


Apart from the educational value of our speakers, our bi-monthly speaker series and annual seminar, we provide opportunities for networking with others who have had a cardiac experience.

What is expected of you?

Please bring a list of your medications and wear comfortable shoes and cloths. You will receive a code to enter the Helderberg Village (HV) east gate. Go to the clubhouse and you will find us in the Exercise Studio.

Should you be interested in joining, please let us know.


Ms Trudi LIST RGN BSc MSc   

Advanced Practice (cardiovascular)

Cardiovascular Programme Coordinator

Cardiac and intensive care healthcare professional who has many years’ experience coordinating similar programmes in other countries. 



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